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- Homeschooling’s Meteoric Rise: From Fringe to America’s Fastest-Growing Education System
Homeschooling’s Meteoric Rise: From Fringe to America’s Fastest-Growing Education System
One particular form of education is skyrocketing beyond all expectations: homeschooling
Here’s the gist of what’s happening with a prayer…
Homeschooling in America, long viewed as a fringe choice, has experienced a meteoric rise to become the nation's fastest-growing educational form, a shift underscored by a 51 percent increase over six years. This growth, sparked by the pandemic, has sustained momentum, signaling a deep-seated transformation in educational attitudes and structures. Hillsborough County, Florida, epitomizes this change with a thriving home-school community that mirrors the resources of traditional schools, complete with co-ops and extracurricular activities. While some express concern over educational standards and equity, the trend reflects a broader diversification in the demographics and motivations of homeschooling families, with state policies increasingly supporting the movement.
Gracious Lord, we lift up the families across our nation who are navigating the waters of education, be it at home, in public, or in private settings. Bless them with wisdom, patience, and discernment to guide their children not only in academic pursuits but also in spiritual and moral growth. Provide the resources and community support necessary for every child to flourish, and help parents to instill in their offspring the virtues of love, compassion, and integrity. May Your presence be a constant in their homes and hearts, guiding their paths and decisions, as they educate and raise their children according to Your will. Amen.
Homeschooling’s Meteoric Rise:
From Fringe to America’s Fastest-Growing Education System
At a time when the educational landscape is transforming at an unprecedented rate, one particular form of education is skyrocketing beyond all expectations: homeschooling. Long stigmatized as the educational choice of eccentrics or rebels against the system, homeschooling is now not only going mainstream but is leading the pack. And it's not just a trend in specific pockets of the country; it’s a nationwide phenomenon.
A Sea Change in Education
The pandemic provided the initial jolt to the system, but as a recent analysis by The Washington Post confirms, the shift is far from ephemeral. The explosion in homeschooling has been sustained even as schools have reopened and pandemic restrictions lifted. This isn't just a statistical blip; it's a seismic shift in how we think about education.
In a detailed district-by-district analysis, The Washington Post shows that home schooling, once a fringe activity, has now become America's fastest-growing form of education. Astonishingly, in 390 districts analyzed, there was at least one home-schooled child for every ten children in public schools during the 2021-2022 academic year. This is a quadrupling of rates compared to the 2017-2018 school year.
The statistics are compelling: over the past six years, the number of home-schooled students in states with comparable data has surged by 51 percent. In contrast, private schools grew only 7 percent, and public school enrollment fell by 4 percent. It appears the homeschooling wave has not been selective; it has surged regardless of the quality of the local public schools, party lines, geography, or other demographic factors.
Behind the Curtain
Homeschooling is far from the solo endeavor it once was. The image of a mom sitting at the kitchen table for six hours with her kids is not what homeschooling is currently. The robust infrastructure supporting home-schooled children has grown exponentially. For example, in Hillsborough County, Florida, which boasts the largest number of home-schooled students in the Post’s database, a community of 10,680 home-schooled children enjoys a complete academic and extracurricular ecosystem that rivals that of public or private schools.
From organized sports teams to theater productions and even proms, the home-schooling community in Hillsborough has it all. A Christian home-schooling co-op that once catered to 40 children in 2011 has swelled to nearly 600 students. In the words of Corey McKeown, who has been home-schooling for 14 years and now directs the co-op, "Home-schoolers in Hillsborough County do not lack for anything. We have come such a long way."
This begs the question: with the growing infrastructure surrounding homeschoolers, what separates them from private schools? The key is in parent-involvment. Many of these co-ops have parents intimately involved in their child’s education, as well as the education of the other students. This creates a village-like atmosphere where parents support each other instead of the responsibility of schooling being solely put on the teachers and administrators. Teachers are still hired to educate children, but the parents have a vested interest in the health and vitality of the classroom.
A Complex Tapestry
While homeschooling has been celebrated by many, it's not without its critics. Some worry that the lax regulation could have long-term consequences on the quality of education children receive. Without standardized testing and district oversight, some fear that the standards of education in homeschooled schools will be far lower. So far, test results and college admissions do not show that fear to be founded.
There’s also a growing concern that this structure gives upper-class families a greater edge. The more resources parents have to hire private tutors, the better the children will do. Despite these concerns, state-level policies are becoming increasingly favorable to homeschooling. For instance, in Florida, families can now receive up to $8,000 per child in annual taxpayer funding for homeschooling. Tax dollars already go into each child through the pubic schools, but this type of programming puts the resources directly into the parent’s pockets, giving them the ability to help their children with their specific needs.
The Bigger Picture
Home schooling’s impact extends beyond individual communities and states. The number of home-schooled kids nationwide is now estimated to be between 1.9 million and 2.7 million, surpassing the number of students in Catholic schools and catching up to charter school enrollment. Notably, this marks a stunning transformation for a form of education that was largely illegal just 40 years ago.
The ‘Why’ Behind Homeschooling:
The demographics for homeschooling are not what they once were. While homeschooling used to be dominated by conservative Christian families, the demographic of families opting for homeschooling is diversifying. Families of different religious, political, and socio-economic statuses are opting for homeschooling. Families have cited many reasons, ranging from a lack of resources for special-needs students to an overpopulation of classrooms. Parents on the right and left sides of the political aisle have also cited irritation with the growing politicization of public schools.
Final Thoughts
So what does this mean for the future of American education and the hundreds of thousands of children now learning in unconventional settings? We might be tempted to view this as a momentary cultural fad, but the evidence suggests it is anything but. This is a meaningful, sustainable shift—one that signifies a rethinking of family life, the role of schools, and what ‘education’ can mean in the 21st century.
From Harlem to Kentucky, from small towns to bustling metropolises, homeschooling is rewriting the narrative, and its chapters are still unfolding. Only time will tell where this educational revolution will take us, but one thing's for sure: it’s an exciting time to be a student in America.
One thing remains steady and certain, whether their children are in public school or homeschooled, parents are stewards of their children and responsible for their spiritual and emotional upbringing. “You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hand, and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes. You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates.” (Deuteronomy 6:5-9)
We commend any parent working tirelessly to raise their children up in the love and admonition of The Lord. Parenting isn’t easy, but it’s profoundly meaningful, rippling into future generations. Whatever parents decide regarding education, may the Lord give them strength and refreshment.
Thank you for joining us today on PRAY NEWS. It is our aim to be informed and transformed. We pray today you will proceed with hope, love, and determination to be a force for good.